5 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

Kosmonavtlar yaşayacaq

Kosmonavtlar yaşayacaq

qırıq planet və uşaq
iki yetişkin oyuncaq
ucmaq həvəsi
buludsuz səma qarşısında
ulduzlar daha yaxın
cavab gəldi
qalxış zamanı
ürək bulanma
baş agrısı, gicəllənmə
qalxıb endi
iki künc və bir bucaq
istəyərkən qusmaq
balaca gəminin açıq pəncərəsindən
nəmli xatirəsi canlandı
ata da uçmuşdu qusa-qusa
izini itirmişdi o da
hüceyrələri yayılmışdı kosmosa
agzından çıxan iki damla göz yaşı
xatırlatdı qəmli yağışı
gəmi fəzada
planetidə qalıb arxada
geridə qoyduğu insanlar 
onlar ölümə məhkumdular
ancaq kosmonavtlar yaşayacaq...

29 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi

Orhan Pamuk - Biography

Orhan Pamuk


Orhan Pamuk was born in Istanbul in 1952 and grew up in a large family similar to those which he describes in his novels Cevdet Bey and His Sons and The Black Book, in the wealthy westernised district of Nisantasi. As he writes in his autobiographical book Istanbul, from his childhood until the age of 22 he devoted himself largely to painting and dreamed of becoming an artist. After graduating from the secular American Robert College in Istanbul, he studied architecture at Istanbul Technical University for three years, but abandoned the course when he gave up his ambition to become an architect and artist. He went on to graduate in journalism from Istanbul University, but never worked as a journalist. At the age of 23 Pamuk decided to become a novelist, and giving up everything else retreated into his flat and began to write.

His first novel Cevdet Bey and His Sons was published seven years later in 1982. The novel is the story of three generations of a wealthy Istanbul family living in Nisantasi, Pamuk's own home district. The novel was awarded both the Orhan Kemal and Milliyet literary prizes. The following year Pamuk published his novel The Silent House, which in French translation won the 1991 Prix de la découverte européene. The White Castle(1985) about the frictions and friendship between a Venetian slave and an Ottoman scholar was published in English and many other languages from 1990 onwards, bringing Pamuk his first international fame. The same year Pamuk went to America, where he was a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York from 1985 to 1988. It was there that he wrote most of his novel The Black Book, in which the streets, past, chemistry and texture of Istanbul are described through the story of a lawyer seeking his missing wife. This novel was published in Turkey in 1990, and the French translation won the Prix France Culture. The Black Book enlarged Pamuk's fame both in Turkey and internationally as an author at once popular and experimental, and able to write about past and present with the same intensity. In 1991 Pamuk's daughter Rüya was born. That year saw the production of a film Hidden Face, whose script by Pamuk was based on a one-page story in The Black Book.

His novel The New Life, about young university students influenced by a mysterious book, was published in Turkey in 1994 and became one of the most widely read books in Turkish literature. My Name Is Red, about Ottoman and Persian artists and their ways of seeing and portraying the non-western world, told through a love story and family story, was published in 1998. This novel won the French Prix du meilleur livre étranger, the Italian Grinzane Cavour (2002) and the International IMPAC Dublin literary award (2003). From the mid-1990s Pamuk took a critical stance towards the Turkish state in articles about human rights and freedom of thought, although he took little interest in politics. Snow, which he describes as “my first and last political novel” was published in 2002. In this book set in the small city of Kars in northeastern Turkey he experimented with a new type of “political novel”, telling the story of violence and tension between political Islamists, soldiers, secularists, and Kurdish and Turkish nationalists. Snow was selected as one of the best 100 books of 2004 by The New York Times. In 1999 a selection of his articles on literature and culture written for newspapers and magazines in Turkey and abroad, together with a selection of writings from his private notebooks, was published under the title Other Colours. Pamuk's most recent book, Istanbul, is a poetical work that is hard to classify, combining the author's early memoirs up to the age of 22, and an essay about the city of Istanbul, illustrated with photographs from his own album, and pictures by western painters and Turkish photographers.
Orhan Pamuk’s books have been translated into 46 languages, including Georgian, Malayan, Czech, Danish, Japanese, Catalan, as well as English, German and French. Pamuk has been awarded The Peace Prize, considered the most prestigious award in Germany in the field of culture, in 2005. In the same year, Snowreceived the Le Prix Médicis étranger, the award for the best foreign novel in France. Again in 2005, Pamuk was honoured with the Richarda Huck Prize, awarded every three years since 1978 to personalities who “think independently and act bravely.” In the same year, he was named among world’s 100 intellectuals by Prospectmagazine. In 2006, TIME magazine chose him as one of the 100 most influential persons of the world. In September 2006, he won the Le Prix Méditerranée étranger for his novel Snow. Pamuk is an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and holds an honorary doctorate from Tilburg University. He is an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters as well as the Chiese Academy for Social Sciences. Pamuk gives lectures once a year in Columbia University. Lastly, he received the 2006 Nobel Prize for Literature, becoming the second youngest person to receive the award in its history.

Apart from three years in New York, Orhan Pamuk has spent all his life in the same streets and district of Istanbul, and he now lives in the building where he was raised. Pamuk has been writing novels for 30 years and never done any other job except writing.

Source http://www.orhanpamuk.net

11 Temmuz 2012 Çarşamba

Paulo Coelho - Karandaşın hekayəsi - Fazeh

Paulo Coelho

    The Story of the Pencil

Cavan oğlan nənəsini məktub yazarkən izləyirdi, O soruşdu:
-Sən mənim haqqımda yazirsan?
Yaşlı qadın yazmağı dayandırdı, nəvəsinə:
-Yazdığım sənin haqqındadır, əslində, sozlərdən daha vacib olan istifadə etdiyim karandaşımdır. Ümid edirəm ki, böyüyəndə sən bu karandaş kimi olacaqsan.
Oğlan karandaşa baxdı, onda xüsusi bir şey yox idi.
-Amma, bunun digər gördüyüm karandaşlardan heç bir fərqi yoxdur.
-Bu sənin necə baxmağından asılıdır. Bu karandaşın beş üstünlüyü var. Əgər sən onlardan istifadə edə bilsən həyatda xoşbəxt ola bilərsən.
-Birinci üstünlük: Sən boyük şeylər etməyə qadirsən, ancaq  heç vaxt sənə addımlarında bələdçilik edən əli untmamalısan. Bu Tanrının əlidir və o həmişə onun buyurduğu kimi hərəkət ddəcəmyə kömək edir.
-İkinci Üstünlük: indi və sonra, mən yazmağı dayandıracam və çırtandan isifadə edəcəm. Bu təbii ki, karandaşa əziyyət verir, ancaq sonra o daha itiuclu olur. Beləki sən ağrı və kədərə dözməyi öyrənməlisən, çünki bu səni daha mükəmməl insan edər.
-Üçüncü üstünlük: karandaşdan istifadə edərək sən etdiyin səhvləri düzəldə bilərsən. Bu o deməkdir ki, etdiyin səhvi düzəltmək, üzr istəmək heç vaxt gec deyil, bu bizi ədalətli yolda olmağımıza kömək edir.
-Dördüncü üstünlük: Bu karandaşın yaxşı yazması xaricinin nədən düzəldildiyindən yox içərisindəki qrafitdən asılıdır. Beləki həmişə içindəkilərə daha çox fikir verməlisən.
-Sonuncu, karandaşın beşinci üstünlüyü: həmişə özündən sonra iz buraxmasıdır. Elə karandaş kimi sənin də etdiyin hərəkətlərin həyatında iz buraxdığını bilməlisən. Buna görə də etdiyin hər hərəkəti əvvəlcədən fikirləşməlisən.

       Paulo Coelho